Saturday 18 September 2010

Gaga Mad

Lady Gaga's outfits always intrigue me. This meat dress certainly has been causing some debate in the media. After posing for Hommes Japan Vogue in a meat bikini, Gaga took it one step further with the meat dress at the MTV video music awards. Although I have found the use of meat has already been used in the world of music. The beatles dressed as butchers and had cuts of meat in their 'Yesterday and Today' album.
Come on Gaga lets see some thing original!

Wednesday 15 September 2010

Tim Burton

(Original 1993) The Nightmare Before Christmas Trailer

Tom Ford

Loving the Tom Ford make up range, this advert is just full of allurement. Crimson lips are such a strong statement. With the ritual of lip painting dating back to Greek women, they certainly didn't have the luxury of Tom Ford instead they made a vermilion and vegetable substances such as seaweed and mulberry. Red lips certainly have strong controversy when it come to 'ideal' beauty.

'Lips as Red as Rubies' in the words of the poet Robert Herrick.